Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big Bang Theory

According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common and useful analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like raisins in a rising loaf of bread. General relativistic cosmologies, however, do not actually ascribe any 'physicality' to space. This is the only model the physicists have at the moment to explain the creation of the Universe .But instead of setting aside all doubts , this explanation gives rise to a lot of questions which scientists cannot answer . For example , the theory postulates that entire matter of the Universe was concentrated at one point at the beginning of the creation in a highly condensed form and then accidentally a sort of explotion started of its own , throwing matters out in all directions , thus expanding in volume ,(which goes on till now) and in the process things fell in place automatically so as to form a highly complicated self sustaining full proof system , which we call Universe, complete with plant & animal life , rivers and mountains and all varieties of beauties which are parts and parcels of this creation . But we know an ordered system cannot come out of disorder because by any material action, entropy always increases , which signifies more disordered state. Secondly what is the possibility that out of such explosion things will automatically fall in place to create such a highly complicated Universe ? It is easy to believe that a monkey sitting before a type writer and pressing the keys randomly will eventually type out a complete Oxford Dictionary some day . No sane person will ever believe that such a thing can ever happen and that will be corroborated by the calculation of probability by Statistical methods . Thirdly , how the explosion started ? We cannot say , it happened accidentally , because nothing happens by accident and in the final analysis there is always some cause behind an event , which we may or may not be able to visualise .If we say matter acted of its own , then it defies the very definition of matter , which states it will remain in the state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by application of an external force Who is THE PERSON that caused the explotion to happen ? We cannot , however , discard this Big Bang theory altogether because it surprisingly gives perfect explanation to 'red shifts' and other events which are confirmed experimentally .It is apparent explanation of creation of this Universe cannot be explained with any amount of conviction by laws of matter alone . We must accept there is a Grand Plan of some Conscious Person behind this wonderful creation ,and by His direction only everything is moving and falling into place to make this creation happen . A necessary condition of scientific theories is that it must be repeatable , or it must be demonstrated by simulating the necessary conditions .Can any scientist carry out a small bang experiment by keeping all building materials together in a place and creating an explosion as a result of which everything will fall in place and a new building with all paraphernelia will come out . If we cannot do this , we should not call it a scientific theory , but blind faith on scientists .

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